Lafayette Rats

The global rat population encompasses over 60 distinct species. Rats, notably more robust and rounded than mice, boast hairless tails. While their droppings are fewer in number compared to mice, this doesn’t mitigate their bothersome presence within households. Our proficiency in eradicating rat infestations matches our efficacy with mice.
Rats, being pervasive household nuisances, are capable of causing significant property damage and propagating diseases. Their ability to infiltrate homes through minute holes, cracks, and gaps is notable, and once established, their reproduction rate is remarkable. Notable among the species are the Norway rat and the roof rat, two commonly encountered varieties across North America.
Rats can cause significant damage to homes and businesses by chewing through wires, insulation, and building materials. They also pose a significant health risk, as they can carry and spread diseases such as leptospirosis, hantavirus, and salmonella.
At Lafayette Pest Control Company, we have years of experience in rat extermination in Lafayette. Our professional team uses the latest methods and technology to locate and eliminate rat infestations quickly and effectively. We use humane techniques whenever possible, but we also offer more aggressive options for severe infestations.
Our Method
Employing a diverse array of strategies, we combat rat infestations within both residential and commercial settings. Our approach frequently involves the deployment of rat traps, designed to swiftly and humanely dispatch the rodents. To complement this, we strategically position rat bait to attract and poison the pests. In instances of more substantial rat infestations, we might recommend resorting to fumigation or the application of pesticides for a more extensive remedy.
Rats, being opportunistic eaters, consume an array of items spanning from refuse to pet food and, disconcertingly, even fellow rodents. Consequently, the need to seal off potential entry points within your dwelling becomes imperative in preventing future infestations. Our diligent team undertakes a thorough property inspection to pinpoint potential rat entryways and subsequently suggests solutions to seal them.
Our paramount objective is the swift and efficient eradication of rat populations, coupled with proactive measures to stave off future infestations. Regardless of whether the rat issue is minor or substantial, our competence and tools are up to the task. Rely on Lafayette Pest Control Company to ensure your residence or business remains free of rodent nuisances.
Rats—The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Undoubtedly, rats can showcase intelligence and even affable qualities; nevertheless, their potential to become a source of trouble and peril when infiltrating residences and establishments cannot be overlooked. The repercussions of rat infestations span from disease transmission to property destruction and food contamination. Their rapid reproduction coupled with the challenge of eradicating them sans professional intervention further emphasizes their problematic nature.
Surprisingly, despite their unfavorable reputation, rats exhibit a sociable demeanor, forming close-knit family units and showcasing empathy towards their peers in need. Notably, studies reveal that rats readily extend assistance to distressed counterparts, even if unrelated. Their remarkable adaptability is evident in their capacity to flourish across diverse environments, encompassing urban landscapes.
Nonetheless, the swift and efficacious response to rat infestations within homes and businesses remains crucial. Lafayette Pest Control Company recognizes the potential perils and disruptions posed by rats, employing an assortment of techniques, including traps, bait, fumigation, and pesticides, to address the issue. While we might not transform your rats into endearing companions, our commitment lies in assisting you to restore a rat-free environment within your residence or business.
Call (925) 255-7076.